Just crawled under the TT to check the axle. Clearly marked 3500 pounds. So all the extra/overage listed in the specs is tongue weight. And, if I understand how the WDH works, more tension puts not only more weight to the TV's front axle but some goes back to the TT axle. Man, I really need to diagram out my rig with weights so I can clearly explain to SWMBO our limitations in TT loading.
Still unloading stuff. Cut our metal silverware weight by half, saved another 1.05#! That was in addition to removing 26.4# from the TT last night, and 23# from the TV. Discussed leaving the cast iron at home depending on our menu, that went over surprisingly well ;)
Haven't used the factory metal platform yet, considering moving the spare tire elsewhere and pulling the platform. It's got to be 40-50#.