LarryJM wrote:
Hmmm let's do the math. Here in Va we also have safety inspections for trailers and I don't like to have it done because of this pulling of wheels and the potential damage to the grease seals not to mention the hassle of taking the trailer to an inspection facility and bringing it back home. I've owned a trailer since moving here back in 1984 ... thats 34 years so far. Currently the inspection costs for a trailer is $16 so using that I have saved 34 x $16 = $544 so far. The current fine for no or expired safety inspection is $30 and so far in 34 years I have never been stopped or checked so for me I'm at least $514+ ahead (544 saved - 30 first time fine) and counting :B
I'm with you Larry.
I was laid up in the hospital last Feb and May, and was off work for 6 weeks and 3 weeks respectively. It boogered up the camping season and frankly I just did not have the opportunity to have it done.
I'm not usually the guy who skates around this stuff but I think my PA trailer inspection days are over LOL. I know what I have under me, or should I say behind me, and do not need some half witted nosepicker verifying it for me.
The last time I had one of those inspections done in 16 I believe, the guy started by getting ready to place the jack under the center of the axle tube until I questioned him. Then he pulled the breakaway switch while the trailer was still plugged into the 7 way, despite specifically being told not to. That was at a large equipment and utility trailer dealer and I believe I paid $79 for the experience.