TBammer wrote:
I just pulled the drums on my ez lubes and what a mess. Good news, no leakage into the brakes. Brakes need replacing though. Pricing things out and wonder if the cost for never adjust is worth it. Thoughts? Also, are the bearings that come with the drum packages any good?
The self adjusters are only as good as the tolerance held on the run out of the brake drums, and that can be very poor. I wouldn't pay a penny for them.
I bought drums with bearings from eTrailer, and the bearings were pure Chinese trash that were failing in eight months. Get something other than made in China, I used USA Timkens.
Buy good wheel bearing grease that is not an all purpose product and hand pack the bearings. Forget the grease fitting, I only use it once to clean out the passage before assembly.
Read my thread under Towing for some other information that was countered by some on here.