OK - So the actual numbers and info is /are:
2010 GMC Sierra HD 25004 X 4, 3:73 gears, extended cab, 6 1/2 ft bed.
owners manual says; Max trailer weight 9900 lbs 16000 GCWR
actual scale reads with full fuel and passengers 6840
front axle 3760 rear axle 3080
door sticker gvwr 9200 fr ax 4200 rr ax 6084
Trailer now that we are looking at is considered half ton towable with max gvwr at weighs in at 10320 uvwr 7550 hitch at 1520.
calculating all we carry at 2000 lbs, (recalculated all) I think we will be ok? ! ? ! ? Your input once again is welcome. Good Luck & Be Safe ! ! !