handye9 wrote:
I still have the old hitch, and, I took it along today. After hitching up and measuring with the Andersen, I did the same with the Drawtite (1200 lb) trunion bar hitch. Front of the truck was 1/4 inch (over the plus or minus 1/2 inch) higher than with the Andersen.
Are you saying that when you hitched up with the 1200# Drawtite and applied WD, the front of your truck ended up being 3/4" above the
unitched height?
If so, your Drawtite bars must have been significantly under-tensioned.
With 1180# tongue weight and 1200# bars, you should be able to get the front end back to the unhitched height.
Did you measure the front-end rise when hitched with the Drawtite, but with no WD applied?