We eat VERY well by virtue of the fact that I've owned 2 successful restaurants and been chef in another. Nearly all restaurant food, particularly the pabulum that is served up by chain entities, is, at best, forgettable.
On the one or two occasions we eat out per year we usually arrive there by word of mouth. When 3 or more people state that a given emporium is worth a trip, we'll likely give it shot.
Case in point came just this last week. Pizza place was highly recommended by a number of the locals here in SW NC. Yes, a very unlikely venue for pizza and I was doubtful. Yes, I am a food snob and have eaten pizza from Italy (generally poor BTW) to the best NYC has to offer.
I was blown away. Easily the 2nd best pizza I've ever shoved into my face, AND a 5 topping 14" pie for the princely sum of NINE DOLLARS!
I don't ever bother with sites such as Yelp or TA. Most there have their own agendas and those rarely match mine.