Desert Captain wrote:
rvten wrote:
Replaced the a Dry Poweder with Foam.
Another problem. Is many people have no idea how to use them.
Therein lies the problem. Few folks actually know how to use a fire extinguisher much less have actually done so. When the flames erupt is no time to try and learn how. If you do not know what you are doing and have the proper equipment then walk away. Call 911 and hope for the best but keep in mind your rig probably contains enough propane to level a very large area.
You are far more likely to exacerbate the problem by using the wrong extinguisher or employing incorrect technique. For the record you should have at least 2 Type A-B-C extinguishers readily accessible. Use a sweeping (back and forth), motion aiming at the base of the flames. Continue until the fire is completely out and then some (flashbacks can often occur).
I would add to that if the fire cannot be extinguished with two extinguishers call 911. The typical 5-10lb extinguishers are good for no more than 20 seconds each.