ken56 wrote:
I have been reading this forum for like 3 yrs and have not seen a fire extinguisher thread. No, I don't do searches for topics either. If you've seen a question asked before and all you have to add is "do a search" then I think most here would just as soon you don't respond at all. I am aware I can do a search and sometimes have, but initially I will not. This subject can save a life, or everyone in the family and should be encouraged to be discussed. Just like at home, develop an escape plan and practice it. Know where the extinguishers are and how to use them. Teach everyone. even kids. The attitude "it can't happen to me" is foolish. Its all fun till someone gets hurt.
Kinda crazy.. Just typed FIRE EXTINGUISHERS in that little box in the upper left and came up with 66 posts,,,,Yep,,been a while..