SCVJeff wrote:
There's nothing wrong with them but they do need frequent beating or they won't work. I replaced mine with an AFFF by the door and sent the factory powder outside to a storage bay. I also added another much larger powder on a cranny for "that" time just in case. Additionally, AFFF in the bedroom, Halon in the kitchen, and three automatic AFFF & Halon in the fridge and engine.
The beatings happen today
Good advice -
especially for extinguisher SELECTION!However - there *IS* something wrong with those dry powder (or "dry chem") extinguishers that get their regular "beating"..
Dry powder (or "dry chem") make a
heck of a mess!..:(
Visit - Mac The Fire Guy's site for better choices.
Mac The Fire GuyFrom another 30 year F/F - his info is accurate and excellent.
Lots of threads on the subject - here's a good one from "back when" -
"Fire Extinguishers"BTW - you spent a lot of $$$ on/for your RV - invest some money for quality extinguishing agents to protect *your* investment.
Keep that dry powder extinguisher handy for that "other guy's fire..;)