Here's some old posts with info for some of I-10 & areas off of it:
Tucson/Arizona, New Mexico & Texas ----
Ditto but Expanded with Northern NM Plus ----
Near Carlsbad Area New Mexico Las Cruces :::::::::
I-10 to San Antonio :::::::::
US 285 Detour to Santa Fe from I-40 ::::::
Back Roads New Mexico West of Roswell US 70/US 380 to US 54 ::::::::::::
Flagstaff - Gallup - Grants- Albuquerque - Santa Fe - Plus PS: one can reach Santa Fe/ABQ from Carrizozo via US 54 to NM 3 to US 285 N to I-25 S to Santa Fe then to ABQ.
Never done any Sightseeing in Roswell,
NMMI Museum Might be Interesting or the Sinkhole Lakes @
Bottomless Lakes State Park. A Visit at
RMAC and seeing
Art might be cool. Nice Drive up to Mountains on US 70 W to Ruidoso Area from Roswell. I enjoyed
The Hurd La Rinconada Gallery with it's Wyeth family connection at San Patricio on US 70 (3.5 miles past US 380 turn off).
Deer Crossing RV (50+) Park near San Patricio (never stayed, no bargain); had been PassPort America, but not now it seems.
To avoid some of I-10 in Texas, one could use the
US 90 Route from Van Horn to San Antonio. Not so raceway speeds on it.
I've always wanted to see
Bloody Shiloh; had a Gre't Great Granddad fight there. I've head
Vicksburg is a neat one to see. Drove by once & didn't stop. Should have. Someone, I believe, said
Pea Ridge in Arkansas was good. Been to
Gettysburg twice, very moving to see.
The Trail of Tears
Historic Trail have sites through many states (Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Tennessee). Not just Cherokee, but Muscogee (Creek), Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw Nations. A Chickasaw gave it the name, "Trail of Tears", I've read in the past. Might be interesting.
These have been helpful in finding a place to overnight or stay (Help for the Budget as well):
FreeCampgrounds.Com Boondocking Sites Bob's Cheap & Free Wal-Mart OverNights Not Camping Casino OverNighting Never used one yet, but many do.
COE Campgrounds BLM Campgrounds ::::: such as:
New Mexico BLM Camping :::::
Valley of Fires CG - Excellent One Best Value - NM State Parks :::::
$10 Without - $14 With Electric & No Entry Fee if Camping. Often with Free Showers (not all, most).
Senior Pass for Federal Parks & Camping (Free Entry to Nat'l Parks, 1/2 off camping @ Many Nat'l Forests & Nat'l Pks; Also BLM & COE) Not 62 yet, a Annual Pass for $80 might pay for itself & more for the Battle Fields, etc. But not 1/2 Camping, I believe. Might save a little $ if visiting many Nat'l Pks & Monuments. There is a Free Access Pass if one has permanent disabilities.
Passes PassPort America Campgrounds