Thanks ro_sie, that was exactly what I hoped. I'm not the wordsmith some folks are, but I perhaps have a slightly different take on some things. I hope to be informative and slightly entertaining.
We are really enjoying being retired. We fully acknowledge God's blessings and how few folks, really, get the chance to do what we're doing. So many times you hear of folks who work hard all their lives and then when they are able to slow down its commonly some medical tragedy that puts the kibasch on traveling.
If some can be blessed by traveling vicariously through our pictures and comments, I will sleep just fine. One thing is sure, when we wake up each morning, we never know if this will be the day that things change forever, in the flicker of an eye. It only takes a second and your whole life is altered.
We pray blessings on our traveling companions every day. Also for those we leave behind. May He watch over them and keep us all safe.
Till next time...Via con Dios!