Yes, 'gypsies, they just have another helicopter up this morning and the firetruck came through the campground a little while ago. I thought I heard them late last night. Cell reception is, overall, pretty good around here. Spotty on the mountain, though. I'm sure the "victims" wait till its full dark before calling. They would need a flashlight to be seen at night. If they don't think to bring enough water, they probably don't have a light, either! Hope they get down okay!
We have applied for a camp host position for next winter, here. They review your skills listed on the app, then make contact. Just depends on how many current ones want to come back. We may not get in the first try. I'm hoping my 35 years in the appliance trade will count for something. My wife is a "fluffer". She would go around and make sure the rocks lining the trails are straight, and each little erosion gully has rocks in it. She is still sort of uncomfortable around new tech stuff, but she gets by. So, she hopes they would not put her on the reservation counter!
Taking a side trip tomorrow, I think. Show Low state park and Lyman Lake state park are off to the east a bit. We want to see a few other parks (especially, since we bought the yearly state park pass!). They both have smaller campgrounds, so their number of hosts will also be small. They look much more remote than a suburb of Phoenix, though! Not much remote about this location. We really like the way the road are laid out. You can get somewhere just by knowing which direction to go! Some places, you have to know the local street names and where they go, to find your way around.
Ordinary stuff today. Laundry, post office, propane tank fill, that kind of thing. We are fortunate to be able to do so much like paying bills, etc. online. Not that much left to be done in person. For all their "interruptions", our instant communications do have benefits! Supposed to be cooler, here today. The weather gurus spoke of rain, but that forecast evaporated!
On that sour note, I will sign off for today, unless they find the hiker. Be safe, Friends! Learn from yesterday, enjoy your day, plan for tomorrow and consider eternity! Hugs to all! (Yes, guys hug, sometimes, too)