Well, maybe I need to change the title of this rant. Not snow-birding, now, but still having a blast!
After about eight weeks, in port (spell that "home base"), we are on a short jaunt to a state park here in Indiana near Madison. IN. The park is Versailes and seems to be just what the Dr ordered. Clifty Falls State Park was full and this is only about 30 miles from our destination. There is an Arts Fair in Madison, this weekend. I hope the weather holds. It is just about perfect right now. Sunny and about 70 degrees. Could be a little warmer, but it has been such a long cold spring, I'll take what I can get.
Changed the oil, oil filters, fuel filters and checked air filters in the dually a couple weeks ago. We had just over 8K miles on the winter trip, so I thought an oil change would be a good idea. I wish someone would come up with a good way to get the old fuel filter out of this truck. Twice I have changed and gotten soaked in diesel each time. The filter lid has a really long thread area and it just keeps dripping and turning forever. The water removal hex screw is also long and leaks as soon as you start to turn. You're already on your back, trying to get arms and hands around drive line, and with diesel dripping and running off frame and other components, it's just hard to focus. I wonder if they make a little bitty petcock I could screw in, in place of the hex screw and put a plastic tube on it, to go into a jar. Yeah, I might just try that next time!
We will do some serious yard sailing tomorrow and see what the evening brings. Just have to remember, we have to get it home somehow!
Be safe, campers! Keep an eye out for the crazy person behind the wheel coming at you!