Well, I feel bad. I did want to post some up to date stuff. I wish the partial posting typed out, would stay as a draft, or something. I just left camp for a bit, before and when I came back the post had evaporated! Then I had to get up to reach a phone call and must have hit a wrong button, because the second one vanished! So third time's a charm.
We have settled into our camp hosting duties after nine days, and it is not too bad. We work for an d with some really nice people. The park is small, 76 sites, and an older one, so there is always something to do, beyond mowing and watering the flowers. Decks need tightened, signs need painting. But in this setting, with the beautiful pines, and alpine meadows all around, it just doesn't seem like hard work. The temps have moderated today, barely 95 and 18% humidity.
So, while we are not driving all day, there are other things to do and we are still enjoying the heck out of this lifestyle! Come on in, the Living's Fine!