Happens to the best of us Trojan. I sometimes will be on here when I am doing laundry and get up to go move it around or take it out of the dryer and put it away and come back and it is like I have some little quirky elf in here.
We did a quick weekend last week end, trying out the MoHO before we head out on the 9th. We had fun and found a nice little campground about an hour from home. We plan on going down there again maybe in late September.
As I said, we are heading out on the 9th of July. Letting the 4th travelers get home. We are going to make a leisurely trip to Missouri. We will park on the Missouri state fairgrounds for several days. Their camping area is very large and not usually more than 4 or 5 other campers in the whole place. there is NOTHING there. Just hookups. But its really good considering there are no other real campgrounds in that town. We are spending time there to visit family. My mom who is 91 and my "little" sister. It will be good to see them again. We didn't get to make the trip last year because my fella was going thru chemo and radiation. We have those issues pretty much stowed away, so we are back on the road this summer. We use to hit the road pretty much anytime the idea struck us, but out grand daughter is in school now, so we are limited to weekends during the school year. She BTW, loves LOVES to camp. Our two little yorkies are just as bad. When we start packing up to go , the three of them want to stay right in the MoHo. Like they are afraid we would leave them.
Last weekend I gave Kahlan her backpack and told her to pack her things for the weekend. Good thing I also packed for her because she had the weirdest stuff in there. Like a small piece of pottery she had made in school last year and some other toys and wonder of wonders, she had her toothbrush and paste. that really shocked me. Oh, and her bathing suit. We know where her priorites lie.
Well, I need to get to the post office. So, have the very best of days, enjoy. God bless.