Good Morning, All!
Hope this finds everyone with all their fingers an d toes and eyes! I have already read of several dogs, gone missing, as well as a cute response. My son is a hunter with a great retriever, he has trained. His post was something to the effect of: Sorry your dog was frightened of the fireworks, mine searched the house four dead ducks! I thought that was cute.
Seriously, as folks get back to work, I just wanted to give thanks again, for the blessing of being able to retire and travel. Not everyone has that ability, and a shout out to my diligent wife for, in large part, making it happen. That being said, we are currently stationary in Idaho, helping some friends at a campground in. Donnelly.
Due to not much work, yesterday, we were sent packing to occupy ourselves for the day. We ended up on a very interesting road that doesn't show up on the atlas! We checked out a Hot Springs (which was worthwhile for later) and decided to try a gravel road across the mountain. It went from a normal gravel,, to logging road, to a two track cow path, to a barely driveway! Fortunately it got better nearer the end and we made it to Riggins, ID in fine condition. The switchbacks were noteworthy, but the grades were never a problem. Some beautiful, rugged, mountains and streams. Near the end, and after the road had started to improve, we traveled several miles alongside the Lower Salmon River. What a sight. Calm pools, the size of small lakes, and swirling rapids to challenge the rafters and boaters. The scenery was simply amazing. Well worth the drive.
We enjoyed the fireworks like true senior campers! From our beds, in the dark! Seen 'em once, seen 'em all! And no fighting traffic or crowds. We could very well imagine what they looked like from years of experience. I guess we're (I'm) old fogey!
Well, safe travels to all! Be careful and watch out for all the folks eager (?) to get back to work! Chat with you all later!