We have also volunteered many times with the forest service, and a couple of county parks. With the forest service, we were camp hosts at a campground. The primary duty of the ranger, biologists, firefighters, LEO, etc were not at the campground however the biologist who also wore the hat of many positions did bring prisoners to the campground every 2 weeks to work and perform repair/improvement type duties as well as restroom cleaning and trash removal. We could put our hours in doing whatever tasks we wanted to do. There were no assigned hours or tasks other than the normal help campers when they needed, be friendly and advise of the things to do in the area. At the county park we did provide a lot / most of the physical labor while the "manager "who was a paid employee of the park did very little. We have also noticed the increase in hours for volunteers and many positions we would not take because of the hours required. It's different if you want to volunteer more hours but many of the volunteer positions are becoming full-time jobs. We are retired and that's not what we want. We also want a few hours to enjoy life.