As Siggy suggests, I do travel with the supplemental braking system set to LOW. I look at the braking system as a legal requirement, for an emergency, and not for normal usage.
I called my Honda Service Department this morning, and my home Les Schwab tire dealer, and they both suggested to replace the tires (even though LS knew that there was no LS outlet in St George).
I took the CR-V to Gene's OK Tires in St George and asked him to drive it to see what he thought. As he walked up to the car, he felt the tire tread and said, I bet the other front tire is the same, and it was, as were the 2 rear tires. He was amazed, it's usually just the fronts that are really bad? He said that it looked like it certainly stopped straight.
I feel better about replacing the tires, and the cost was $40 cheaper per tire than LS at home. If you are ever in St George and need tires. . . See Gene. The expensive part was the shopping we did while waiting for the tires to be changed.
I'll probably test the braking system in a gravel lot near here tomorrow morning, but will most likely deal with the braking system when I get home.
Thanks for all your responses.