Dexter Bob wrote:
Wondering if I will have any difficulty flat towing a Jeep YJ with my Dodge 3500 DRW CTD and 4000lb camper? I have a StowMaster tow bar to connect to the jeep and was going to add a couple of trailer tail lights and pigtail to the jeep.
Would I be safe without supplemental braking?
Dexter Bob,
Well Sir, it sort of depends on what year "YJ" you're intending on towing. The early ones, as in the first year for the YJ, '87 through '90 utilized much of the drive train from the CJ years. And that drive train, while many do and have done, as well as I, can be towed but, not without certain precautions.
But, the later YJs, the '91s and later, had the newer style "231" transfer case which, has its own oil pump, just inside the rear output housing. So, those model years can be flat towed without issues, what so ever. Just make sure you're in neutral on the T/C and the trans, if a stick, is in 2nd, at least that's the way I set up ours for a zillion miles of towing. And, if an automatic, Park is fine.
As for supplemental braking, your truck has good brakes for its own weight and the weight of a camper but, add the 4,000 lbs. + of a Jeep YJ, and you're asking for trouble, especially if a hard stop or panic stop is needed. Gradual braking, you most likely can tolerate but, you're still taxing those truck brakes considerably.
Now, this of course doesn't even take into consideration the liability if and when you might get into an accident in just about any of the 50 states out there and an insurance investigator finds out you didn't have any!!!
If you want a cheaper supplemental braking system, I might recommend the "Ready brake" from Night Shift Auto. I've used it for years and it's a great, well working system. Good luck.