Go to the RoadMaster or Blue Ox WEB Sites and see what vehicles they make Base Plates for and then you will know if what you want to tow is even towable. Not all versions of a vehicle are towable due to different engine/transmission/transfer case combinations installed. When I purchased my 2019 Jeep Cherokee I had to be very careful when I ordered to get a version with the Active Drive II or it was not towable. The Chevy Equinox was also on the list that I could tow without exceeding my hitch capacity. Unfortunately I could not order it the way I wanted it with out other junk I would not have in a car of mine. The Jeep also was not exactly what I wanted but the best I could do given my weight limits and the need for AWD/4WD. I really wanted a Toyota/Honda or Subaru but none of the new ones with an Automatic are towable. Good luck in your quest and I understand that Ford now has some vehicles that are towable that were not available when I ordered in January 2019.