Agree with the plan to try it before adding a drop adapter. Too many variables in to be sure that 1-inch difference will hold in actual use. Drive it a little before deciding to adjust, too.
We dragged our 31-foot Class C in a gas station once. That was on a test drive before we bought it and it hasn't happened since. We've just become more aware of what might pose a problem and maneuver accordingly. We have more issues with turning radius than ground clearance. I think your F53 chassis will allow you to turn as tight or even tighter than our shorter E450 can. E-Series has a very limited steering "cut" angle.
We came out lucky with the Up/Down on the two vehicles we can tow. One is right at the lower limit, one at the upper. Maybe even a pinch more than that 3-inches and it's never posed a problem. We have more of a problem backing out of our "storage facility" which is a pad next to our house which we pull into and back out of. Backing down onto the street off of the lawn, caused a drop adapter to hit the crown of the road. Without a drop adapter, we clear coming out.