majorgator wrote:
2oldman wrote:
I'd forget about it. Ya gotta love the technology to be able to capture your vehicle but then use paper mail to bill you.
Bad advice.
The OP had better call and speak to someone directly about the matter. Just because you didn't receive a bill doesn't mean they didn't send one. They WILL suspend your license if you don't pay. I've seen this happen before. Being from FL, we have a SunPass (or ePass). Even then, the transmitter will sometimes not read correctly and they'll send you a bill. Normally, you just pay the fee or give them your SunPass account number (its a highly screwed up system that they can't even cross check their own database before sending you a bill instead of just charging your account). They may not have your address correct, or the bill might have fallen in between the seats of the mail truck, but you can count on the fact that they do have your license plate number and will check that against DOT records.
But, they'll usually let you slide if its only once or twice. If I were you, I'd pick up the phone and call immediately.
While it probably wouldn't hurt to call, I doubt FLORIDA will suspend his NORTH CAROLINA license. Maybe they will but not sure what that means.