groundhogy wrote:
Being a professional food poisonee, I can always tell early
when it starts bubbling up downstairs. I just drop one of
those antibiotic bombs down there early, while the bacteria
is still just in the stomach. Blows it up.
Food poisoning bacteria is usually some standard bacteria
and is easily killed by a single antibiotic pill.
So I'm no Doctor but I'm willing to bet $1 this is incorrect. One antibiotic pill (exlcuding perhaps Azithromycin) isn't really going to do anything to make you well.
And is probably only increasing the number of antibiotic resistant bacteria in your system.
You're correct that food poisoning is caused by a bacteria. But if I recall my Biochem classes, you need sustained levels of antibiotics in your blood stream for days in order to wipe them all out.
Short doses, like when you fail to take your entire prescription, generally make things worse.
My two cents - run what you're doing by your doctor. If she agrees with you, send me your address so I can mail you a buck. ;)