AllegroD wrote:
I do not understand his reaction. Maybe something is missing. If someone treated us that way, I would be getting in touch with the owner or manager. If the owner/manager could not satisfy us, I would be posting the name of the CG and maybe contacting the state AG. Slighting one person, who has a reservation, in favor of another person, whether in a group or not, is wrong. We all know that. It might even be illegal in some states. Once you make a deal with someone, you keep it. There obligatory laws about this. On top of that, you do not treat people this way.
It's easy to understand his reaction. He has bigger fish to fry. Stamping one's feet and screaming does nothing. A warning on RV Park Reviews or elsewhere is in order as a "head's up" but contacting the AG is a bit over the top. Bad business practice, definitely, but criminal behavior probably not.