mileshuff wrote:
We were boondocking in the mountains of Arizona and met an elderly couple camped nearby who offered some help backing into a rather tight spot. I had been camping in the region for decades as a kid. Had wondered about many things I found in the area while hiking that were far remote from any road. An old Cabin with a note attached to the door reading "Feel free to use this cabin". It was dated 1952 and I had stumbled upon it in the 1980's. A few miles away there was a campsite with a large firepit made from huge rocks and a steel griddle. Far to heavy to have hand carried it there. Had always wondered who built this cabin and the campsite. The elderly man explained it was was him and his father who ran cattle in the area in the 1950's. They had built the cabin, the campsite and developed the campground area where we were currently at for their ranch hands. Throughout our stay this couple came by to say hi and helped with anything we needed. Also handed me a book he had published about the history of the area. So helpful and learned so much that I had wondered about since a kid.
What a wonderful experience and post. Thanks for sharing.