dedmiston wrote:
There's a lot of misunderstandings about how fuel deliveries are paid for.
For starters, some of the locations are "company owned" or "salary operated". At those stores, the oil company owns the location and the station doesn't pay for the load.
Some companies work on true consignment where the branded company delivers the load and then the dealer pays as they go (on terms, of course). These are rare, but Amoco used to be the main major company to do this. I don't know if they still do. In these cases, Amoco owns the oil until it's sold. Amoco can call the dealer at any time and change the cost, and then the dealer needs to change their price.
In most cases, the dealers receive the load and then gets invoiced for it and they pay according to their terms.
In no case does the dealer hand the driver a sack of doubloons to pay for the load of fuel.
In my best Brandon voice…cmon man!
Don’t go inserting fact and substance into a perfectly good sky is falling paranoia thread!