2oldman wrote:
Before everyone starts blaming the 'me' generation, better make sure that rude person is not as old as we are.
I will agree with that. Always want to make sure we take out any log in our eyes before we point out the toothpick in others.
But the more I speak and interact with the younger generation, the more I get the impression that they CARE - sure they do - but that they don't actually want to work for a corporation or even themselves. I think they'd prefer it if the gov't just took care of them.
I was definitely raised differently than they were, and I wouldn't want to blame that entire generation (let's say the 16-21 y.o. generation). There are others who are older that can be rude and have similar attitudes.
In general though, I'm sure it's a small percentage of people - it is still very annoying when you do what you feel like is correct, and others just ignore the typical actions.
I'm still going to hold the door open for anyone (guy or gal), I'm still going to smile at folks in my campground regardless of our disagreements, and we all should keep society heading in the right direction by our own actions, God willing.