the bear II wrote:
This is what happens when you stop keeping score at T-Ball games, everyone gets a trophy, no discipline at home or school, kids get designer clothes and live at home until their thirties.... everyone feels entitled.
It's their world and we have to live in it !!!
Yep! Because of the parents. Which is pretty much... well, look in the mirror. I've got friends involved in schools sports and little league sports - the whole "everyone gets a trophy" is NOT "for the children", it's because of the PARENTS. By giving everyone a trophy, you are trying to remove at least one reason for parents to freak out at games.
Ever been to some kid's games? Screaming, swearing parents... threatening other parents, threatening coaches, even threatening the kids playing on the fields. And who brought up these "parents" who act like this? All the folks in their 60s and 70s today.
Teachers in school literally cannot touch kids without witnesses and clearance from the front office, OR they have to call Police. Why is this? Because the PARENTS will sue the school.
Having said that... things have swung way to far. Parents today cannot "discipline" their children in public. Can't even talk sternly to them. Many times in a store, a parent will grab a kids hand away from something, or tell them to stop acting up, and some senior citizen will wag their finger at the parent (!) and tell them they should "love" their kid, not "abuse" them.
So having said all that...
One issue with people not knowing "pump etiquette" or dump station etiquette is that so many people go through high school, then college, then enter a "white collar" career without having any practical hands on experience with trucks, trailers, etc. This is where that "minimum wage job" helps out. Where a "crappy" job with a landscaper, contractor, cashier at a gas station, even sometimes a fast food joint can teach people about basic things like how much room trucks need, backing a trailer, fueling, etc. It is odd, but seemingly common now, to run into people who don't know how to check the oil in their car, oil a squeaky door hinge, or tighten a screw.
And having said all that... I wouldn't be surprised if my great grandparents complained about all the young'uns...
Wow, did I just say all that? Back to more coffee....