Even though it didn't seem funny at the time, I now laugh about a time we were tent camping on the beach in Galveston, Texas many years ago. We were in an old canvas tent that used aluminum spring poles to hold it up. Wind blows pretty constant on the beach and the first night we were there, one of the tent poles squeaked endlessly, not letting me get a wink of sleep for most of the night. I swore I was going to get some WD-40 the next day and end that. Of course, come the next day, we were busy having fun and it just slipped my mind. Come bedtime, the pole still squeaks and I'm about to rip my hair out! Instead, I reach over and shake that squeaky pole. Of course, that changed it's position just enough that it totally quit squeaking!!! My kiddos thought it was hilarious and after having a "slow steam", so did I. Had a great nights sleep and got to take my daughter on a fishing trip the next day (that's another funny story I'll save for some other time;)).
Happy Camping!