One afternoon I was laying in the back bedroom of our old TT reading when a threesome of rather large people pull across and down from us a couple of spaces in with a new popup. Sensing some free entertainment, I take notice...
They get out and fumble with the hookups enough that it peaks my interest (family was gone and I was bored..). Then they start working on putting the bunk ends out. They seem to be arguing about how it all works and are making gestures while the lady of the group firmly plants her hands on her hips.
One of them goes inside and really puts his weight into shoving the bed out.
So much so that's it launches it past the tongue and partially onto the ground. Our windows were open and I had an involuntary HAH!!! escape me before I could catch myself. They heard me and swiveled their heads around looking for source of this outburst. Fortunately my TT had privacy screening over the back windows and they couldn't tell where it came from. Plus I ducked!
I made sure I didn't go outside before a few other camper showed up.