Our esteemed colleages on I-95 in Southside Virginia figure you NJ boys have lots of money. However, in most parts of VA gas prices are in the $3.05-3.10 range. In this state drive a little, (off the slab) and save a lot.
It is as low as $2.98 in San Antonio. Canada this summer we saw prices as high as $5.77 a gallon. It was crazy. Chicago was $4.29 and as we worked our way back to Mexico it dropped down to $3.16 average.
There are intersections in McAllen, Tx with a gas station on all four corners and the prices are all different. For example, some people think Shell is better quality, some pay with a Chevron credit card because they don't have any money, others are like me, whatever is the cheapest. Thanks GasBuddy!
Unkle Odie's is always cheaper than the thieves at the interstate in Emporia. What, 5 miles east on 58? Also, the 2 truck stops just south on 95 are always way different in price from each other. And yes, it is a ripoff regardless of if you stop or not. Probably the same guy owns all the stations.
around here it is $3.89. they said on the national news several months ago that gas prices were going down. that was a big laugh/ here they raised it 25 cents within a week. diesel is $4.09. My friend in Missouri said he paid $3.13 yesterday.