More people like to camp than the drive to camp.Talking to a campground owner in Maine. He claims they are seeing far more interest in seasonal sites than ever before. He says people will take a drive to a place they like and either stay seasonal, or stay for a longer duration. I don't see RV prices dropping in the near future due to gas price increase. People love to camp, kids tend to be safe, campground amenities, swimming pools, game halls, proximity to local attractions. Campgrounds are ideal for kids and adults. Ah, the campfire. I do think analysts are underestimating gas prices. A gas station owner told me instead of 6 fuel deliveries a month the gas company is doing 3 which will lead to gas shortage at the pump. He said an 18 wheeler driving from the dock in Boston is not going to make as many trips to remote areas like before. They will cut their losses in transportation of fuel. We see $4.25 from $3.25. An analyst said expect $5 by April 1. I say expect between $6 and $7 by July 4. Like Covid-19 we are in unchartered waters. Think back before Covid-19, who would have guessed how the world and social life would have changed. Think $6+ a gallon. As a result we will see some small owned gas stations closing and some major gas stations close shop in different parts of the country.