DiskDoctr wrote:
Is it any wonder the non-camping/RV public isn't considerate to campers, when many of the comments on this thread are not very considerate to other campers?
Remember, it is our mutual love of camping and RV-ing that binds us together as a community...let's all remember to act like one ;)
I am afraid to tell you this but the entire "RV Community", look what happy campers we are, arent we all wonderful? notion is a figment of marketing.
We are no different than any other sector of the population taken at random. Buying an RV, despite the Good Sam Logo, does not confer a Halo on one. As a sub group we "seem" to share some things in common but is that really true?
Actually what is often called the "RV Community" is made up of the unemployed and underemployed and the retired poor, struggling and living in shabby little trailers or broken down MH's in places like Quartzsite and others. It's made up of People like me who Full Time and work occasionally to keep busy and engaged. It's made up of folks who just Camp for a weekend and people who are snowbirds who have really nothing more than a cheap second home in a sunny warm place and are no more "RVers than the poor folks mentioned above. It's made up of younger people who like a nomadic lifestyle and work on the road or in a series of temporary jobs.It is made up of those who have huge Class A's that go from one "resort" to another and generally stick close together in their gated parks. It is all kinds of people living differently for different reasons, good people, bad people, happy people and some very sad and angry people.
The whole "RV Community" portrayed as this group of like-minded happy campers is a fiction.
That is why you see so many posts here like this OP and so many that garner angry and hostile responses over mundane comments or issues.
We are more a loose collection of misfits than a community.