I pushed my limits as far as I want to this past weekend. We did 700 miles plus running around the area where we camped. 2 fill ups on the way up so it was nearly full when we headed for home. The TV is a gasser that I thought was a 25 or maybe 26 gallon tank. I stopped and filled up half way home and thought I'd be fine to run the rest of the way home and then a few miles over the dealer (need to drop it for a warranty part that is waiting). I started sweating when the low fuel light came on before we reached the house and we still had to go home first and unload the TT. By the time I was making the last up hill pull to the dealer I felt the engine surge / sputter and I began to cuss.... I essentially coasted in to the dealer after I topped that hill and shut down / unhooked the TT before actually running out. Thankfully, there's a station next to the dealer...where I put in just a hair under 27 gallons! I came away from that thinking to myself "Never again, dummy!...Just stop and fill up when it gets down just under a 1/4 from now on."
So far I have only had a half dozen fuel stops with the TT in tow since most trips have been short distances. I have already learned a lot of what others are saying here -- scope the potential stopping place out and circle the area if need be. Check how busy they are and if I don't like it drive right on by to a better spot. I have no issues handling the 35 foot of trailer behind me, but have already had "people" issues. Seems like they see a big trailer and think your gonna block up the whole place and so they cut ahead to get to a pump before you can or else they give you stink eye for needing a little more space to swing around for hard turn in or out of the place. I got blocked in by one guy who parked in the way and went inside the c-store for lunch or something. I backed around the side of the building and got turned around back the way I came in and all was fine, it just make me nervous to be backing up where others may be driving in behind me -- kinda made me want a rear view camera and back up lights on the TT.