Our local mobil gas station was built about 5 years ago and they have 20 gas pumps in the front 2 e 85 and one auto diesel and off to the side another 6 trucker diesel pumps with the outer pump having auto diesel and gas!! Sadly almost everyday I see pickups and trailers,horse trailers,travel trailers,5vers and motorhomes using the front pumps despite signs directing to the outside pumps. I think its more the mentality of thats for the big rigs. I do see some that figure it out and I talk to some and tell them about it and most are greatful as 3 weekends a mont the a local horse shows and alot of traffic comes thru the town to get to the venue. And when I travel I have had a few tight spots but Ive always gotten in and out. And a few I couldn't believe I did LOL