wopachop wrote:
I like the little device and hope it catches on. We got a couple of them at a casino a few months back. Didnt pay much attention. Then saw a picture of one in use and realized what they had given us. I got no problem with the gross people strolling the casino using one of them to push the elevator button instead of their finger. I think it absolutely reduces the amount of germs someone is going to leave hanging around. We are talking about the type of people who rub their nose without thinking. Germs dont last forever so yes they probably have put germs onto the tip of the device. But there is a high chance those germs have already died and the new germs from the dude just rubbing his nose wont reach the elevator button if he can grab his little device and push the button without getting his snot on the tip of it.
Isn't he likely going to use the same dirty, germ infested hand to grab the handle and manipulate it to touch the elevator button as he would use to touch the elevator button?
People are literally insane. If MSDNC tells them to freak out, they lose their minds...