sele wrote:
we were heading out this afternoon but with all the wind and storms we have decided to go really early in the am according tothe dw. I just don't like pulling the f'ver in 25 mph head wind and cross winds. Our first trip this spring we had to evacuate the campground because of flooding issues,granted we found another and got credit for the 2 nights we didn't stay. Seems like at least once a year we have some type of major weather issue. we sat out a bad storm in williamsville only 40 miles from home a couple of years ago.Oh well we are going out to eat then leavin in the morning.
I'm with you. Last Christmas we spent 9 hours fighting 25-35mph headwinds and crosswinds. Not a pleasant trip. I'm already a skittish passenger ever since we flipped our other rig 3 years ago. Every time the wind hits us and the rig shudders a little, I'm bracing to go wheels up. By the time we got to our destination we were utterly exhausted.