Forum Discussion

sele's avatar
May 30, 2013

getting older or smarter

we were heading out this afternoon but with all the wind and storms we have decided to go really early in the am according tothe dw. I just don't like pulling the f'ver in 25 mph head wind and cross winds. Our first trip this spring we had to evacuate the campground because of flooding issues,granted we found another and got credit for the 2 nights we didn't stay. Seems like at least once a year we have some type of major weather issue. we sat out a bad storm in williamsville only 40 miles from home a couple of years ago.Oh well we are going out to eat then leavin in the morning.
  • We have been known to delay a trip due to weather. It is too dangerous otherwise and who is to say we will find a place to stay to ride out the storm?
  • seems like the last a couple of years have been one of extremes the front has just got to us here at home looks like early am the wind will be less and the chance of rain decreases. Guess the dw wants to getup around 4 am so we don't loose the hole day traveling.
  • Smarter!
    ONCE I decided to plug on thru a rain with high winds, never again.

    When I finally decided it was too dangerous I was in an area I didn't know the sun was going down. Caught a sign that said CG and started to follow the signs and ended up in a empty field of a closed CG.
    This was coming down south thru Illinois where you are from! I swear all those roads heading south in Illinois are ALWAYS windy and dangerous.

    Nope, first drop of rain and first gust of wind I am off the road so I 'can' get older!
  • Makes sense to me. These storms have been rough. Hope all is clear in the am for you. Have a great trip!
  • Well the beauty of living in Southern California you don't have to leave early to beat storms...just beat the traffic.
  • Right now we have scattered severe storms in eastern IA and northwestern IL 80+ mph and cover if your here!
  • I've left the night before planned departure on more than a couple of ocassions because of storm reports. I have to drive over the Sierra-Nevada mountains shortly after I leave my driveway. Sometimes just getting a little jump on the storm can make the difference between go - no go for us.