Bird Freak wrote:
The time comes for all of us sooner or later to make this change. At least you can still get out and use the cabins. You and I have been on this forum a long time so don't leave you have a lot of helpful information to pass on.
Yep, We have learned a lot since we started. I guess we have forgotten more than most newer campers know. Including you in that.
Now folks call and want me to help them setup their hitches, and want to know how this, or that works. And how to care for their camper in general. And i don't mind helping them. it's fun really, because as you know the secret to worry free towing is having the hitch set up correctly, and mine was. I had no sway at any speed even with out sway control. and that is how I set up every one's hitch that asks me.
but tecnology may pass me by since I'm not involved any more. I did set up mu first hitch with sway control intergrated. Surprised to see it is done the same way. any way. He is dead level, truck, and trailer. Took several tries to get it right, as it usually does.