SDcampowneroperator wrote:
Hello All,
The 40 inspection teams who visit and rate every private park listed in the guide are contractors, without agenda influenced by rating or advertising.
They inspect and rate first, not review , then discuss listing with the camp. Their rating cannot be influenced by the listing or advertising. In my experience, they are above reproach.
The travel guide lists public camps at no cost, free,
with their provided information as a public service and that is what you pay for when purchasing the guide.
While I am willing to agree that MOST of the contractor raters are honest folks just making a living and doing the best they can I find it incredibly naive to describe them as "above reproach" and "without agenda". Not even the Pope is above reproach and everyone has an agenda hidden or otherwise.
Are you really willing to contend that no rater has accepted gifts, free stays or other considerations for their reviews?
As, apparently from your name, you are an RV Park owner I find it astonishing that you don't seem to recognize that making the guide better, easier to use and more fair to all parks by correcting the rating flaws is in YOUR BEST INTEREST. Further if you are Paying for this listing in the guide it would make even more sense to make sure the book is as good as it can be...and it is surely not at this point.
Your almost blind defense of everything GSE puzzles me especially when you can read the comments of people who are your customer base telling you there are problems....???