When my DMIL was alive and driving, I had to write directions for a bunch of 80 to 90 year old women and say it in a way they could understand and follow. Basically it was Take "X" street for 2.7 miles to "Y" street and turn left, drive 3.1 miles to ...
Then I put in the name of the street just before her target street, Take "X" street and when you see "W" street, the next street is where you will turn left. I have used, MapQuest, MapBlast, Google Maps and Yahoo Maps and they were all take a street for a number of miles to another street and turn. Now they clutter up the direction with more and more info. As I said in a earlier post, K.I.S.S. Keep it simple sir.
I don't think all this new and improved stuff is planned obsolescence, I think it's only a by product of the rapidly changing fields of most technologies. But at 75 I'm don't need to know all this new stuff. I worked for 33 years for the same outfit and found one day that I had to go back to school just to be able to talk to the hundred or so guys that worked for me. I decided I would retire and go camping and that's what we've been doing for 20 years so give me a map to confirm what GARMIN or AAA says and I'm happy.