Forum Discussion

Cstoliker's avatar
May 25, 2013

Got my hot water tank repaired for under $100

This year I was cought by early freezing temperatures before I winterized my RV. The casualty was my hot water tank. Water froze in it an split it wide open.

Replacement estimates started at $400. So I looked into other options and found American Welding.

It cost me about $40 to ship it (bolth ways) and AW charged the stadard $50 to repair. I got it back in about a week and it looks great.

Already have it installed and ran it to full temp with no issues. If your compatint enough to remove and install the tank your self. This is the way to go.
  • I welded mine up but before I did I looked into a new tank.Don't know where you got quote but you can buy tanks for about $150.
  • Photos remind me of what an open heart surgery patient looks like after the operation....
    It's still a lot cheaper than buying new.
    Lesson learned. Thanks for sharing.
    Bill B. (Michigan)
  • Your right though. I did come off sounding like an add. Was not my intention.
    It worked out good for me and thought I'd share. I'm sure there's a few people in the north east that that cought with their paints down this year.
  • Sorry. I deleted the post yesterday because the pictures did not appear properly. It was only active for a min (or so I thought)

    Re posted today.
  • You posted the same thing yesterday and this is only your second post. It appears to be a commercial for American Welding Inc.