I remember a few years back, Government shut down. Non-essential employees sent home. Essential employees worked. Some days we worked doubles, which meant sixteen hours straight, off for eight and back for another sixteen hours. Moral was in the dumpster. I suspect corners were cut due to resentment from some that were having issues with their finances. I kept a good attitude and did my job at 100%. This too, soon shall pass!
Anyway, about 18 days in I decided to have some fun while on the way home. Might as well laugh as well as be sad. I filled up with diesel while warning my uniform. Went inside to the clerk and gave her an IOU for my diesel. She said that she could not accept the IOU. We were acquainted and she was aware of the current 'work for the government for no pay situation'. We both had a good laugh that carried over into the line at the counter. People were sympathetic, but truly amazed that our Government would go to this extreme. It is what it is. Might as well keep it on the 'light' side of emotions rather than get truly upset. In the end, we were all paid.