SpeakEasy wrote:
I've been burned WAY too many times by GoogleMaps' re-routing. Every time I'm on a road trip I tell myself to ignore its advice about changing routes. I am an easy sell, however, when they tell me that they've found an alternative route that is 20 minutes shorter. ARGH. I feel like Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football.
I don't know about re-routing but, GoogleMaps is so insistent on saving you every second of drive time that they sometimes take you a more difficult way down worse roads.
I don't travel far and have found it best to look at a map first and then decide which route to take based on the fact that I know the roads. Then I drag the route thing on googlemaps around until it shows me the way I want to go.
For Example: I live in SW MN and have a friend who's son is going to school in Duluth. GoogleMpas wants me to go through down town Minneapolis to get from here to there. By looking at a map and doing some rerouting I found another way to get there without needing to go downtown through the heavy traffic. According to GoogleMaps my route is 15 minutes longer. Oh Well, that is worth it to me so that I don't have to drag my TT though the heavy traffic of Minneapolis.