RV parking pad? Shoot grade,scrape sod off. Stack timbers on 3 sides to keep rock in place. Put 6-8 inches of 2 inch clean down. (Left over from another job). Then fill to level with at least 4 inches of used shoulder rock (Was paid to haul away from a widening job) Made sure I was level side to side, but front/back slopes enough to drain. Scattered enough half inch clean over so the dust does not track in, but not enough to roll under tires.
Then I bolted a 4X4 and a 2X4 to a pair of mud flaps, and laid then where I want the tires. The boards are spaced so I back over the 2X, and against the 4X, she's chocked.
Built the pad in mid '90s, and the only thing I have done is add to the thin spread of gravel between the pad and pad I park the TV on. Gravel drive is not legal, so I just use enough to not spin on wet grass. Just mow it short a few days before leave.