phil-t wrote:
BurbMan wrote:
CW is betting that the RV boom will continue and that mfrs can't keep up with demand for new units, so they are buying used from all the out of work folks that want to get out from under their RV payment.
Then the title of this thread might be (Great time to Sell, and/or Buy an RV). Which is what I am looking at doing.
Which is you are thinking of doing?
Have to PRICE it according to what the market can afford so chances are you are gonna take a beating to get from under it.
Have to have an "audience" that REALLY wants your unit AND can afford to buy from you (they may or may not be able to finance), otherwise your gonna have a long, long road of tire kickers..
Places like CW or any RV dealer have easy access to banks willing to sell a loan, much greater chance they will be able to sell the rig easier for a higher price than what you can do selling yourself.
Prices of new are not going to drop, things are getting more expensive as supply is down and demand is still there. You also have to consider the manufacturers cost to build has dramatically increased, they are forced to spend money on PPE, they are paying more for raw materials, many places have reduced workforce which affects efficiency on a assembly line and to keep some workers engaged many manufacturers are offering additional hazard pay..
Buy used?
You might be able to pickup a used bargain from individuals and I highly doubt you are going to find a used bargain at a dealer lot as the dealer is in business to turn a profit..
If the individual seller has an outstanding loan, they will have to scrape up the difference between what you buy it for and what they owe.. Not your problem but it does complicate the process considerably. The seller may not be able to cover in cash so they may have to take a personal loan to cover and you may also run into delays with getting a clear title since the lien holder actually holds the title and isn't going to release the title until after their lien has been paid in full.. Your "bargain" may turn out to be less of a bargain if you are not careful.
I personally will not touch anything used with a outstanding loan attached to it.. Too much hassle and mess.