"My current electricity is 100% wind power sourced."
I was wondering, as all things have a trade off. Has your wind turbine killed any birds? Or have you been feeling ill? It seems that the trade off with many "GREEN" projects do more harm to the environment than good. Like solar farms. Thousands of forest acres have to be clear cut to build a solar farm big enough to supply even a small percentage of electricity to a small town. And hundreds of acres have to be clear cut to supply even one small plant. In my mind that is not a good thing. After all. Trees supply air we breath, home for various animals, and water sheds keeping the dirt from washing into the rivers, and killing fish.
And unless things have changed. An electric car has a larger carbon footprint than a F150. What with the bank of batteries they have to have, plus having to be plugged into an outlet supplying juice from a coal fired steam plant. I don't really see the gain.
You may think I'm making this up. But just at the edge of my town sits an Apple communications center. Yes that Apple. It is a big building, but only has around 50 people working there. It is powered by a solar farm. The solar farm is HUGE, and since it was built, the deer, bear, and other animals have started showing up in town. Also since the trees formed a wind break, We have more sever wind storms than before. IMOP. Not a good trade off.