You conveniently cropped WTP's post which had agreed with what you've posted. Why would you do that?
rockhillmanor wrote:
WTP-GC wrote:
Following on another post, we've definitely seen grey water dump pits in Georgia.
People need to stop with the high-and-mighty, self-righteous attitude about dumping grey water. There is a big difference in slowly dispersing your grey water vs. just dumping it all at once.....
Its grey water! Little soapy, maybe some bacon grease, but mainly WATER.
It's called camping respect for OTHER campers. The contents of the gray tank STINKS. It's not just soapy water it's all that goes down the sink during food preparation and washing the dishes with all the parts of food on it.
And if you are dumping grease down your sink? Well, that stuffs sticks and stays and goes rancid on the walls of your gray tank adding to the stink forever. It's not a septic tank, has no grease's an above ground HOLDING tank.
How would you like it if I dumped my entire gray tank drop by drop or all of it at once under my coach on a CG site and YOU and your family had to park in the same spot following me?
How would you like it if you were parked next to a camper that dumped their gray tank while you and your family were having a picnic outside and had to smell that stink?
I HAVE been parked next to an 'inconsiderate', 'think they don't have to follow the rules' camper. He dumped his gray tank the entire week of a sporting event. The stench was just awful.