Dyngbld wrote:
hotpepperkid wrote:
Horizon170 wrote:
What does one have to do to qualify for a HAM permit?
No way I can learn MORSE Code.
What you mean is that Im not going to bother learning the code. Your in luck you don't have to. You can be an appliance operator and learn just enough to get you license
Attitudes like that are why the hobby has very few young people in it. At 44 I am the youngest operator I know. Yes I learned code several years ago, never upgraded. I finally upgraded and the code was no longer required.
Attitude? I didn't think there was any attitude in his statement. I guess you are new to ham or like you said young. An appliance operator is just someone who buys a radio instead of building one.
I was trying to get onto echolink and the owner of the node came on telling me my audio was too loud. I told him, that I was new to echolink and sorry Old Man, but I needed an audio report. He immediately dumped me and banned my callsign on his node. I guess he didn't like me calling him, OM?
That is another term that has no attitude on ham radio. Now if I refereed to his YL(young lady) as OL for old lady, that would have shown attitude.
Good luck to you on ham radio. Lighten up a bit and maybe find a mentor that has some miles under his belt to show you the ropes.