"Beg to differ, 2mtr and 70CM CAN be far more "reliable" in an CLOSE emergency than HF, period."
I would agree with that but the key word which you were kind enough to highlight is CLOSE.
But if you are miles from the nearest repeater or another ham They don't work that well... By miles i mean like 50 or more in most case In some cases I've used repeater networks where I could be over an hour's drive from the tower and it was great. other systems 20 miles is out of range.
But for "Local" work. chat around the campground hey Honey Dinner's ready. kind of thing. Fantastic way better than the other options..
If you are in range of a repeater fantastic
But I was out in the desert with no hope of reaching a repeater or a cell tower when I first needed to call for a tow.